At ten in the morning we were warmly welcomed by a sweet couple on their farm. While pouring us glasses of extremely strong Borovicka, the young mother of five children complained that with 15 children in the village it was sometimes difficult to see which ones were hers. She laughed much at her own stories, especially the one of when her husband tried to make pictures of their children one day, but forgot to put in the film. The husband, quietly leaning against their house, was occupied with another story, that puzzled him. A year ago this Dutch company bought some land in the rainy, cold aerea of Orava. Now they were growing something strange there. A green, big leafed vegetable, somewhat like cabbage.... I was so surprised to realise that the biggest lovers of white cabbage (the Slovaks eat it with every meal, as a salad, with christmas, as a soup, the leftovers as breakfast, they simply love it!), had no idea that this strange cabbage they were talking about was nothing less than: Boerenkool. The popular Dutch green farmers cabbage we like to mix with potatoes.
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